Meet Dr. Amy Gunderson

Dr Amy photoAt Self Unbound, we’re fortunate to have Dr. Amy Gunderson-Lewis leading our mission to help people connect to their true potential. With a strong passion for health and healing, Dr. Amy is dedicated to empowering others through chiropractic care, especially NetworkSpinal, helping them live their best lives.


A Journey from Massage Therapy to Chiropractic Care

Prior to her journey into chiropractic, Dr. Amy served as a massage therapist for a decade, where she experienced the profound impact of guiding people’s bodies through tension and challenges back to their natural state of ease. It was during this time that a chiropractor she worked for introduced her to the miraculous potential of chiropractic care at a seminar hosted by Parker University.

The speaker’s words about the innate intelligence within each of us, always striving to express itself and self-heal, resonated deeply with Dr. Amy’s soul. Inspired by the concept of our challenges being gifts that lead us back to our true nature, she enrolled in chiropractic school the very next day, embarking on a transformative journey that would shape her life’s purpose.

Discovering the Power of NetworkSpinal

During her time at chiropractic school, Dr. Amy faced her own health challenges, developing adrenal exhaustion, daily anxiety attacks, and extreme fatigue. Seeking relief, she explored various healing modalities, but it wasn’t until a friend recommended NetworkSpinal that she experienced a profound shift.

In her very first entrainment, Dr. Amy felt herself take a breath deeper than ever before. As she sat up, it was as if the lights had come on for the first time, revealing a world that was brighter and more connected than she had ever experienced. This transformative moment awakened her to the true authentic, magical nature of wholeness that she now strives to help everyone access through her work at Self Unbound.

happy person on the beach with arms outstretched

Witnessing Miracles and Empowering Lives

As an owner and chiropractor at Self Unbound, Dr. Amy now has the privilege and honor of witnessing miracles unfold every single day. Her unwavering commitment to helping people connect to their true power and express their life’s potential is evident in every adjustment, every conversation, and every interaction with her practice members.

Through the gentle, precise touches of NetworkSpinal, Dr. Amy helps her practice members’ nervous systems release life-depleting tension, allowing them to experience greater levels of energy, clarity, and connection. As they progress through care, she watches as they align their life’s energy to cultivate the existence of their dreams, discovering aspects of themselves they never knew existed until they found their path to freedom.

A Passionate Guide on Your Journey to Wholeness

Experience the benefits of NetworkSpinal with Dr. Amy at Self Unbound. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life. Under Dr. Amy’s care, you’ll discover the path to ultimate health and well-being.


Dr. Amy Gunderson | (972) 854-3256