Self Unbound Reviews

What Our Dallas Practice Members Say

At Self Unbound we love when practice members share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our practice member testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.

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I went to see Dr. Tyler Lewis and the team at Self Unbound 3 months ago with the intention of getting my neck pain fixed. I was hopeful after watching a television segment about the NS technique and figured I’d give it a try. I had no idea that the results would be so much farther reaching than just fixing my neck problems. I soon experienced better sleep patterns, deeper sleep, reduced anxiety and more mental clarity. I highly recommend the NS treatment and suggest that you be prepared for amazingly beneficial results!

— Dave L.

I’ve always had a lot of energy, but as I approach 30, I started to feel more physically tired, mentally drained, and less energetic. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was because I literally couldn’t deal with life. I’ve been going to Self Unbound for a mere 2 months and have already seen a significant improvement in the way I process information mentally, emotionally, and physically. Treatment starts with bringing awareness to the ROOT CAUSE of pain, discomfort, etc. This is the main reason why I chose Self Unbound for my chiropractic needs-their methodology is to treat causes not symptoms. Tyler, Leah, and Amy are all super friendly and easy to talk to. I feel like they genuinely care about my wellbeing. They empower me to take control of my life and give me the guidance and tools to do so. Many people that see a chiropractor do so because they’re experiencing physical pain. If this is you, check out Self Unbound. For the rest of us who aren’t experiencing physical pain, but are simply tired of being tired or wish to preserve, generate, and maintain the energy we need to reach our goals, don’t wait until your body starts to hurt, check out Self Unbound and find out for yourself what you’re really capable of.

— Griselda G.

I have received network care for 3 years. And as a grad student who is chronically exposed to a lot of stress, I feel that much of my ability to stay both mentally, physically and emotionally keen is due to regular chiropractic care. I really appreciate working with both Drs. Tyler and Amy. Not only are they knowledgeable and experienced in their technique, but they have the ability to clearly communicate to me the process, educating me along the way. They are one of the few doctors I feel completely comfortable in expressing myself because of their genuine loving and welcoming presence.

— Lynn T.

You might be thinking NetworkSpinal sounds too good to be true, but i can tell you first hand-it works! 2 years ago I tore my biceps muscle in my right arm. I’ve been having a recurring injury in my arm and shoulder off and on for many years. I had been doing alternative therapies that provided temporary relief, but began to think there was a deeper problem connected to it. Dr. Amy is a yoga student at my studio, and after learning about NetworkSpinal from her, I decided to give NetworkSpinal a try. The results are amazing! Since starting my entrainments (adjustments) 6 months ago, my pain has diminished and the strength in my arm has increased exponentially. It’s changed my life physically, as I am much more confident and able to do the things I did before the injury. In addition, my energy has increased and I feel much calmer. I’m grateful for Dr. Amy Gunderson and Dr. Tyler Lewis for coming into my life!

— Lisa B.

As a nurse, yoga instructor, and massage therapist with over a decade of hands on experience, I have found NetworkSpinal to be unparalleled in its ability to help an individual heal themselves through one of our highest human intelligences, our nervous system. Doctors Amy & Tyler are incredible conduits of this healing modality. After a year of working with them twice weekly, I no longer relate to my nuanced body aches and pains as purely structural imbalances but rather understand them to be beacons of light that guide my spiritual process and evolution. NetworkSpinal with Self Unbound has helped and continues to help me refine my connection to myself on levels I never knew were possible through such a unique modality. I’m grateful for this practice and all of the lessons that true healing brings. Be brave and courageous, our bodies speak the yearnings of our soul.

— Kristina R.

Listening to how passionate Drs. Amy Gunderson and Tyler Lewis were about their work and the positive shifts that could occur from these treatments, I couldn’t wait to see what could happen. After my first session I had SO much energy. I’ve completed 8 sessions and the changes I’ve made have been incredible! I have more energy, my body doesn’t ache as much, my scoliosis seems to be subsiding, my thought processes have shifted, I’m not as quick to judge, get angry or involve myself in drama, and my cravings for alcohol have lessened. NetworkSpinal truly is an amazing, healing practice and somewhat addicting because you want to keep growing and becoming the best you can.

— Emy B.

I actually ended up here after a car wreck I had about 9 months ago. I was visiting a chiropractor that made hard adjustments and seemed to be experiencing reoccurring symptoms. The same places in my back and neck were knotting up and pain would return a few days after getting adjusted. A dear friend and former mentor suggested Tyler and Amy. I’ve been getting adjustments from them for 3 months now and it has been an astounding experience. Not only does my body feel better and more relaxed, I’m also able to sleep all the way through the night again. I’m developing a deeper understanding of my body, how it heals and how it processes things. I’m also experiencing much more energy and clarity. I used to drink a pot of coffee a day, now there is some days I don’t even drink a cup. I have the energy to be more productive in my business and be a better father and spouse to my loved ones. Again, this has been a phenomenal experience for me. It’s no wonder Tony Robbins won’t go on stage without having one of these adjustments.

— Chuck T.

I came to Self Unbound about 8 months ago to help manage anxiety. I was having intense panic attacks, trouble sleeping, lock jaw/grinding teeth, etc., etc. I have tried psychotherapy, diets and yoga. While I found those to be helpful short-term, I was still wanting something more. Everything that I’ve gained in the 8 months of care has been just that – something WAY more. Plus, my panic attacks, restless nights, and teeth grinding have stopped. Self Unbound provides a natural healing process and the care of Dr. Amy and Dr. Tyler is exceptional; they are passionate, kind, and can help create life changing miracles.”

— Katy H.

Amy and Tyler are a powerful duo of healing. They have complimentary styles that move you through a treatment process that your own body regulates. NetworkSpinal is very subtle, and very effective. My favorite part of the process is that I don’t have to THINK about the process, and I still get benefits!

Anyone who has emotional or physical ailments that they have been treated for by other modalities with no relief should try Self Unbound’s NetworkSpinal treatments. You will not believe the release you will have when your connective tissue releases it’s strangle hold on your spine.

— Jennifer K.

Since starting care at Self Unbound 7 months ago, I’ve experienced nothing but positive growth in every way. This beautiful family helps you feel freedom not just from chronic pain but from that little voice inside that says “I can’t.” Working with the doctors and Meggan continuously leaves me feeling vulnerable but still so safe and empowered. They want nothing more than your authentic self, in every way, and always work to help you see yourself as whole and worthy. I am incredibly grateful for each of them and what they do, and completely delighted to be a part of this ever-expanding family.

- Rachel I.

I first went to Self Unbound with a shoulder in pain, hoping for a quick fix. The process has taken more than I initially expected, but I have changed in ways I thought were completely impossible. Everything I feared about chiropractic processes isn’t here – no cracking, popping or pain. Just complete trust and intimate friendship with the amazing team here.

Physical issues that my husband and I have had to accept for years after going to top physicians in the city and not getting answers have been cured here. Our entire family, including our five year old, looks forward to our appointments. We love to go together.

Once you start seeing the process, you’ll understand the magic of the name of this unique practice. This is the best thing our family has ever done for ourselves!

— Lilly N.


Self Unbound Reviews | (972) 854-3256